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Luangwa River

Luangwa River

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Busy week

Trying to enjoy summer,play golf, get a pond going , that is , dug and lined, then filled with water and so on,looking after various chicks (feathered ) and have found myself with several writing projects at once. A site that specialises in abstracts is offering money upfront for anything submitted next Tuesday, in blocks of ten, so I'm busy skimming books I've read previously and writing abstracts of them. Not that fast a process for me, probably on a dollars per hour basis not good at all, but it is money for writing, I need practice writing to a deadline too. Also have put in bids for some other writing work, lets see what happens there. If money starts to come in I can justify ( to myself ) buying a notebook or laptop -- which would mean not having to sit here and type at this desk or transcribe scrawled longhand, I could write anywhere. Well maybe I'll convince myself to buy one soon anyway. There is the Mac /PC decision too, this computer is a Mac, which is great, but doesnt have Word , which is a handicap, as a lot of others use it. Yes I know you can get Word for Mac, but I can probably get it as a bonus extra on a new portable --

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